Certified Enterprise Agility Prompt Engineer (APAC times)

Prompt Engineering for Change Leaders

This is the most comprehensive and advanced course for Change Leaders. No previous experience with AI is needed. You will learn everything needed to succeed in the era of AI. This course includes:

1. Course Materials
2. Use of Hanna Prodigy Pocket Edition
3. PDF The Convergence (250 pages book, as seeing in Amazon.com)
4. PDF Advanced Prompt Engineering Practices for Change Leaders (Manual for Change Consultants, 93 pages)
5. Exam to be held on Saturday 11th May from 8am to 9:20am Delhi Time
6. Certification from EAU

This course will be held in English, on Saturday April 27th from 6:30am to 9:50am Delhi time (India, Bharat). It will be virtual-live. Register now for the course, only 50 seats. Includes certification from the Enterprise Agility University.

This training is subsidized by EAU and the Enterprise Agility World Community

Course Details

Course Pricing

Standard Price

$300 USD

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Erich Bühler Bühler

Erich R. Bühler, CEO of Enterprise Agility University, is a leading voice in Enterprise Agility. He developed over 130 models and frameworks for the new reality—including the foundations of the science of accelerated change. He also created the TriValue company model to help firms thrive amid constant change and high uncertainty. Bühler has helped major corporations in North America, South America, Europe, and Asia dramatically accelerate innovation and adapt to change.

John Smith


Highly Recommended Course. Easy to Understand, Informative, Very Well Organized. The Course is Full of Practical and Valuable for Anyone who wants to Enhance their Skills. Really Enjoyed it. Thank you!!